
Privacy policy

This section allows you to receive detailed information about the personal data that are submitted and may be collected by our company, as well as about their use.

First of all, please note that the personal data of an individual includes his/her first name, last name, phone number, email address, ID serial number, etc.

But let's clarify for what purposes and how the personal data we collect is used. So:

- all personal data that you enter when ordering on our website are not transmitted to third parties and entities under Article 5.2 of the Law “On Personal Data” of the Republic of Azerbaijan;

- the personal data that you provide on our website can only be used by us to improve the level of service, to warn you about important innovations and changes;

- also, based on your consent, you can receive information about the activities of our website and company, announcements, special events, campaigns, etc;

- to get an answer to  your questions about our activities;